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Rusnano and Gazprom shake hands on nanotech pipes and parts

23 Oct '15
Gazprom, Russia’s gas giant, and Rusnano, the national nanotech corporation, have agreed to continue cooperation in bringing nanotech products to the natural gas monopoly’s sites across Russia, Rusnano .

The partners looked into new opportunities in use of composite pipes and coupling components by Gazprom. It was decided to continue the preparation of technical specifications for such pipes and components for Gazprom’s main gas transportation pipelines. With approval of operational prototypes to be made based on the specifications, Gazprom may agree to use the innovative solutions in its pilot pipelines.

The partners also kept looking into ways of introducing composite pipes to Gazprom’s water supply projects, gas production pipelines on fields and some other pipelines to be made provisionally as a field is being developed. Some of the new pipes have already been tested at Gazprom Neft, the oil-producing asset of the gas company; more tests are expected on Gazprom’s electrical energy subsidiaries.

Gazprom is also considering using nanotech products, including those manufactured by Rusnano’s portfolio assets, in its ambitious Eastern Gas production program in Russia’s Far East.