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Nano & Giga invites to Minnesota to boost U.S.-Russia collaboration

19 Aug '15
Nano & Giga Solutions Inc., a U.S.-based company led by an ethnic Russian scientist, Anatoli Korkin, is of American-Russian Chamber of Commerce of Minnesota (ARCCoM) initiative.

The event will take place in Twin Cities (Minneapolis – St. Paul) on October 8-10, 2015. ARCCoM is a non-profit non-political association for promotion of business partnership and academic and cultural exchange between the U.S., Russia and Russian-speaking organizations and communities worldwide. The workshop is organized in partnership with the Minnesota Trade Office, Russian Trade Mission in USA, Museum of Russian Art in Minneapolis, and the RUSTEC initiative at Arizona State University. Sponsorship and partnership proposals from organizations and individuals are welcome.

The workshop program will include plenary and breakout sessions (October 8), individual and group meetings and site visits (October 9) and social and networking events (October 10). For individual and group registration, please, download and send it to with the subject “Registration for ARCCoM workshop”.
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Locations: Minnesota

Tags: ARCCoM (2) / Nano & Giga Solutions (1) / Anatoli Korkin (1) /

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