North Caucasus | Finance, business | Technology & innovation

Russia’s Chechnya and Iran ready to cooperate in nanotech and biotech

13 Mar '14
Chechnya, a Muslim region in Russia’s Northern Caucasus, has agreed with Iran to develop cooperation in the fields of nanotechnology, biotechnology, and agriculture, Russian Planet , citing a statement by Chechnya President Ramzan Kadyrov.

Last week, a high-profile Chechen delegation led by Prime Minister Abubakar Edelgeriev visited the Gilyan province in Iran. The two-day talks reportedly resulted in reaching cooperation agreements with Iranian business people and government officials on a wide range of economic, cultural and scientific issues.

“Our vis-à-vis expressed interest in purchasing Chechen agricultural produce, particularly grains. We agreed to encourage humanitarian and cultural ties and also to develop collaboration in nanotechnology and biotechnology research,” Mr. Kadyrov said.

Chechnya made a lot of international headlines between 1994 and the early 2000s as the breakaway separatist region leading armed Muslim insurgence against Russia’s military in the whole Caucasian area. With Mr. Kadyrov, the current regional leader, the years of bloodshed ended, and Chechnya remains a loyal Russian constituent.
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Locations: Chechnya; Iran

Tags: nanotechnology (46) / biotechnology (27) / cooperation (25) / Ramzan Kadyrov (0) /

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