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IT park opens in Nizhny Novgorod; university projects presented to federal minister

8 Jun '15
A large-scale IT park called Ankudinovka opened on June 8, 2015, in Nizhny Novgorod, in the mid-Volga area. Russian Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications Nikolai Nikiforov arrived in person to join the opening ceremony, the website of the Technology Commercialization Center at Lobachevsky UNN, the largest university in the region.

On the opening day, a number of noteworthy innovation projects were presented, including some developed at Lobachevsky. UNN Rector Evgeny Chuprunov introduced guests and experts to the university’s best projects. These included:

Tectum, a hemostatic agent;
RadioHeartSensor, a contactless diagnostics system to check health conditions in man and animals;
AlteroZoom, an IT solution to aggregate and systematize web-based data;
Stress Code, a stress control system.

The Ankudinovka IT park specializes in IT and telecom technologies, bio- and medical technologies, instrumentation, mechanical engineering, electronics, chemical tech, and the development of new materials.
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Locations: Nizhny Novgorod

Tags: Nikolai Nikiforov (7) / Lobachevsky UNN (26) / Ankudinovka (12) /

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