
11 Apr '08

TGK-6 to build $156.5m thermal power station in Dzerzhinsk

Electric Company TGK-6 has made final arrangements...
10 Apr '08

KPMG wins concourse to audit VolgaTelecom in 2008

KPMG has won VolgaTelecom's concourse to audit the...
10 Apr '08

Inter-Chem announce $360m logistics centre

Nizhny Novgorod firm Inter-Chem Ltd to spend $360m on...
10 Apr '08

Vyksa-stroy-invest pay $80m for ceramics factory

Vyksa-stroy-invest Ltd plans to put $80m into...
10 Apr '08

NN investment committee consider $25-30bn Globe Town

On 24 April investment committee for NN region...
10 Apr '08

Nizhny Novgorod region accepts $320m in new proposals

investment committee of Nizhny Novgorod region has...
10 Apr '08

Megapolis Development in line for 4 residential developments for $120m

Megapolis Development have told If-Region that they...
10 Apr '08

NN region aiming to up residential construction to $480m

in 2008 NN region is aiming for $480m investment in...
10 Apr '08

Sergo Factory now produce $40m worth of goods

Refrigeration specialist 'the Sergo Factory' from...
10 Apr '08

AK Bars Bank eventually settle on $200m loan

Kazan bank AK Bars has drawn a $200m loan from a...

Feature stories

6 Mar '17

Russian scientists blaze their own trail to light-based computing

Developing a photonic computer, a technology that...
25 Jan '17

Volga developer enables people to take good care of their heart

ScreenCardio-NN, an innovative company based in...
7 Dec '16

Research on Russian VC market: not quite bubbly, but far from moribund

In spite of all current problems and adverse external...
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Nano & Giga Symposium
Report: Russian universities should modernize to compete globally
ITMO University

Latest News

17 Mar '17

New material helps use light to record data

At the ITMO University, scientists have created a...
16 Mar '17

Sberbank and Moscow university team up in big data and machine learning

Sberbank, Russia’s largest savings bank, and experts...
15 Mar '17

Siberian georadar to look for road defects in real time

Siberian scientists are working on software for...

Most read stories from last week

16 Mar '17

Sberbank and Moscow university team up in big data and machine learning

Sberbank, Russia’s largest savings bank, and experts...
17 Mar '17

New material helps use light to record data

At the ITMO University, scientists have created a...