Latest News

27 Aug '09

Soyuzpolymer launches $8.5m workshop

Soyuzpolymer has launched an $8.5m workshop to...
27 Aug '09

Rostov region assigns $92m on roads repairs

Authorities in Rostov region have announced plans to...
27 Aug '09

RF assigns $205m on Amur highway

A total of $205m is to be spent from the federal...
27 Aug '09

IrOC is to sell $27m ERUs to EBRD

Irkutsk Oil Company intends to raise $27m from...
26 Aug '09

OGC-2 to spend $12.6m on Troitsk GRES upgrade

OGC-2 is to spend $12.6m on reconstruction of gas...
26 Aug '09

Transneft to build $1.2bn Far East pipeline

Transneft is to invest $1.2bn in construction of a...
26 Aug '09

STC looking for $95m at max. 16.5%

South Telecommunications Company has announced an...
26 Aug '09

Sberbank loans $48m to Prioskolye

Prioskolye has opened a $48m line of credit with...
26 Aug '09

Zavolzhskoye to invest $114m in reconstruction

Tver region cattle-breeding complex Zavolzhskoye is...
26 Aug '09

Magnit pays $16.4m in dividends

Krasnodar retailer Magnit has paid $3.9m in 2008...

Feature stories

6 Mar '17

Russian scientists blaze their own trail to light-based computing

Developing a photonic computer, a technology that...
25 Jan '17

Volga developer enables people to take good care of their heart

ScreenCardio-NN, an innovative company based in...
7 Dec '16

Research on Russian VC market: not quite bubbly, but far from moribund

In spite of all current problems and adverse external...
Search (News archive - 21053)
Nano & Giga Symposium
Report: Russian universities should modernize to compete globally
ITMO University

Latest News

27 Mar '17

Siberians develop ways of diagnosing infarction complications

In Tomsk, in Siberia, scientists are working on a new...
24 Mar '17
Scientists at MIPT, one of Russia’s leading tech...
23 Mar '17

Russian e-commerce market tops $26bn as global players seize opportunities amid crisis

Russia’s e-commerce market continued to grow at...

Most read stories from last week

27 Mar '17

Siberians develop ways of diagnosing infarction complications

In Tomsk, in Siberia, scientists are working on a new...