Latest News

16 Nov '07

IKEA plans $15m Mega mall in Rostov-on-Don

Swedish company IKEA plans to open a Mega mall in...
16 Nov '07

Largest furniture factory in Siberia opens in Omsk

AVA Company and Troika Dialog group of companies have...
16 Nov '07

VVM and corporate spin offs still deadlocked in property dispute

Property disputes among Trest-Vostokmetalurgmontage...
16 Nov '07

20% of Tomsk region consumers prefer private clinics

20% of the Tomsk region’s citizens preferred private...
16 Nov '07

New bridge worth $240m to be built in Magnitogorsk

A $240m bridge over the Ural river in Magnitogorsk is...
16 Nov '07

Sverdlovsk schools to buy 22,400 new computers

Sverdlovsk school officials plan to buy 22,400 new...
16 Nov '07

Sverdlovsk region to spent $360m on road repair in 2007

The Sverdlovsk region is to allocate $360m, mainly...
16 Nov '07

Electronica plans $160m Nizhniy Novgorod multi-plex mall

Group of Companies Electronica plans to complete...
16 Nov '07

Product Service gets $1.4 loan to develop retail shops

RF Sberbank has provided Product Service (Nizhny...
15 Nov '07

Buses in Sochi experiment with satellite monitoring from space

Sochi’s public transport system is investigating...

Feature stories

6 Mar '17

Russian scientists blaze their own trail to light-based computing

Developing a photonic computer, a technology that...
25 Jan '17

Volga developer enables people to take good care of their heart

ScreenCardio-NN, an innovative company based in...
7 Dec '16

Research on Russian VC market: not quite bubbly, but far from moribund

In spite of all current problems and adverse external...
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Nano & Giga Symposium
Report: Russian universities should modernize to compete globally
ITMO University

Latest News

17 Mar '17

New material helps use light to record data

At the ITMO University, scientists have created a...
16 Mar '17

Sberbank and Moscow university team up in big data and machine learning

Sberbank, Russia’s largest savings bank, and experts...
15 Mar '17

Siberian georadar to look for road defects in real time

Siberian scientists are working on software for...

Most read stories from last week

17 Mar '17

New material helps use light to record data

At the ITMO University, scientists have created a...