Latest News

13 Feb '09

Dinex – Rus Massiv set for $4.2m auto production

Dinex – Rus Massiv plans to invest $4.2m in...
13 Feb '09

Rostovoblgas takes out $2.9m with Gazprombank

Rostovoblgas has announced plans to open $2.9m line...
13 Feb '09

Stavropol Broiler’s 2009 investment to soar 3.5 times

Stavropol Broiler is to spend $49m under its...
13 Feb '09

Chinese Cosstone invests $12.3m in polymetals mining

Chinese Cosstone is to invest up to $12.3m in...
13 Feb '09

Sverdlovsk region spends $290m on residential housing

Authorities in Sverdlovsk region have announced plans...
13 Feb '09

Samara region paid $2.5m coupon on $130m bonds

Authorities in Samara region have made the tenth 7.6%...
12 Feb '09

START Development’s $1bn logistics plans posted

START Development intends to build a $1bn 435-hectare...
12 Feb '09

Komi’s foreign trade hit $1.15bn+ in 2008

The Republic of Komi’s foreign trade turnover hit...
12 Feb '09

Veliky Novgorod seeks $22m in RF aid for new buses

Veliky Novgorod is expecting $22m from the RF...
12 Feb '09

RF’s $62.5m aids for Ust-Srednekanskaya announced

Magadan regional authorities have announced $62.5m in...

Feature stories

6 Mar '17

Russian scientists blaze their own trail to light-based computing

Developing a photonic computer, a technology that...
25 Jan '17

Volga developer enables people to take good care of their heart

ScreenCardio-NN, an innovative company based in...
7 Dec '16

Research on Russian VC market: not quite bubbly, but far from moribund

In spite of all current problems and adverse external...
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Nano & Giga Symposium

Latest News

31 Mar '17

Russian fintech start-up gets Y Combinator backing

Collectly, a Russian start-up that facilitates for...
30 Mar '17

New diamond search and identification technique under way in Siberia

Researchers at the Irkutsk Technical University in...
29 Mar '17

New sensor and IC building technique developed in Russia

A Russian research team has come up with a new method...

Most read stories from last week

31 Mar '17

Russian fintech start-up gets Y Combinator backing

Collectly, a Russian start-up that facilitates for...