Latest News

15 Dec '09

Udmurtia’s $87m construction development program

Authorities in Udmurtia have approved an $86.8m...
15 Dec '09

RF’s $177m 2009 S. Yakutia investment posted

The RF has allocated $177m this year for industrial...
15 Dec '09

Pskov’s $2m ‘agro-towns’ announced for 2010

Pskov Region will invest $2m in regional ‘agro-towns’...
15 Dec '09

Method to build $82.6m affordable housing in Ivanovo region

Developer Method intends to invest $82.6m building...
15 Dec '09

AVRO’s $400m Novgorod refinery aired

Leningrad regional AVRO Holding reportedly has $400m...
15 Dec '09

Vologda’s $130.5m power station launched

Vologda Region has launched a new $130.5m heat and...
15 Dec '09

Veliky Novgorod’s $10.5m Nordic water aid posted

Scandinavian sources are expected to give Veliky...
15 Dec '09

Ankovskoye to invest $2.2m in reconstruction

Ivanovo region cheese and butter maker Ankovskoye is...
15 Dec '09

Petrovsky Sovkhoz to build $63m pig complex in Ivanovo region

Agricultural firm Petrovsky Sovkhoz intends to build...
15 Dec '09

Auction to sell $1.7m oil fields in Bashkiria fails

The auction to sell licenses on two hydrocarbon...

Feature stories

6 Mar '17

Russian scientists blaze their own trail to light-based computing

Developing a photonic computer, a technology that...
25 Jan '17

Volga developer enables people to take good care of their heart

ScreenCardio-NN, an innovative company based in...
7 Dec '16

Research on Russian VC market: not quite bubbly, but far from moribund

In spite of all current problems and adverse external...
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Nano & Giga Symposium

Latest News

31 Mar '17

Russian fintech start-up gets Y Combinator backing

Collectly, a Russian start-up that facilitates for...
30 Mar '17

New diamond search and identification technique under way in Siberia

Researchers at the Irkutsk Technical University in...
29 Mar '17

New sensor and IC building technique developed in Russia

A Russian research team has come up with a new method...

Most read stories from last week

31 Mar '17

Russian fintech start-up gets Y Combinator backing

Collectly, a Russian start-up that facilitates for...