Latest News

22 Mar '12

Durov and Milner continue Start Fellows program

Russian venture investors Pavel Durov and Yury Milner...
21 Mar '12

Siberian scientists to make uncooled photo detectors

Siberian scientists have developed thermal vision...
21 Mar '12

RVC USA to support Russian applicants in MassChallenge 2012

RVC USA promises support to Russian projects applying...
21 Mar '12

Tomsk and London to hold 3D-videoconference without glasses

The first 3D-videoconference without glasses will be...
21 Mar '12

Russia to launch space robot into orbit

Russia has built a space android to work in orbit,...
20 Mar '12

Composite Electro to make composite power lines in Skolkovo

Galen’s Composite Electro will develop...
20 Mar '12

Rosatom to set up medical tools sterilization center

Rosatom’s United Innovation Corporation will set up a...
20 Mar '12

Crocus and Kintech to jointly perform nanotechnology R&D

Crocus Technology and Kintech Lab have agreed to...
20 Mar '12

Rusnano to invest in Polar Quartz project in Urals

Rusnano will invest into Urals project Polar Quartz...
19 Mar '12

Russian universities not included into THE rankings

No Russian universities included into top-100...

Feature stories

6 Mar '17

Russian scientists blaze their own trail to light-based computing

Developing a photonic computer, a technology that...
25 Jan '17

Volga developer enables people to take good care of their heart

ScreenCardio-NN, an innovative company based in...
7 Dec '16

Research on Russian VC market: not quite bubbly, but far from moribund

In spite of all current problems and adverse external...
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Nano & Giga Symposium

Latest News

31 Mar '17

Russian fintech start-up gets Y Combinator backing

Collectly, a Russian start-up that facilitates for...
30 Mar '17

New diamond search and identification technique under way in Siberia

Researchers at the Irkutsk Technical University in...
29 Mar '17

New sensor and IC building technique developed in Russia

A Russian research team has come up with a new method...

Most read stories from last week

31 Mar '17

Russian fintech start-up gets Y Combinator backing

Collectly, a Russian start-up that facilitates for...