Latest News

7 Jun '12

RFID-tags to be chipped in car license numbers in Russia

In Russia, car license numbers will be equipped with...
7 Jun '12

Russian start-ups gain investment attractiveness – experts

Experts: Russian start-ups become more attractive to...
6 Jun '12

Russian and Western funds acquire minority stakes in online procurement service B2B-Center

A consortium of investors has put up $45m for a...
6 Jun '12

Nanocartridge to clean blood selectively

Bakulev Cardiovascular Surgery Center has...
6 Jun '12

Frontier Ventures to invest $20m in Skolkovo projects

Frontier Ventures may invest $20m in technology...
6 Jun '12

Skolkovo to operate CIS interstate innovation cooperation program

The CIS countries will launch an interstate program...
6 Jun '12

Russia to become member of Nuclear Energy Agency

Russia will join the Nuclear Energy Agency of the...
5 Jun '12

US' Qualcomm to invest into Russian technological projects

US manufacturer of chips for smartphones Qualcomm is...
5 Jun '12

TPU to teach Masters in biopharmaceuticals

Tomsk Polytechnic University will teach Master’s...
5 Jun '12

RVC's Tekmi launches “Virtual Number” service

Tekmi, a portfolio company of the RVC Seed Fund and...

Feature stories

6 Mar '17

Russian scientists blaze their own trail to light-based computing

Developing a photonic computer, a technology that...
25 Jan '17

Volga developer enables people to take good care of their heart

ScreenCardio-NN, an innovative company based in...
7 Dec '16

Research on Russian VC market: not quite bubbly, but far from moribund

In spite of all current problems and adverse external...
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Nano & Giga Symposium

Latest News

31 Mar '17

Russian fintech start-up gets Y Combinator backing

Collectly, a Russian start-up that facilitates for...
30 Mar '17

New diamond search and identification technique under way in Siberia

Researchers at the Irkutsk Technical University in...
29 Mar '17

New sensor and IC building technique developed in Russia

A Russian research team has come up with a new method...

Most read stories from last week

30 Mar '17

New diamond search and identification technique under way in Siberia

Researchers at the Irkutsk Technical University in...
31 Mar '17

Russian fintech start-up gets Y Combinator backing

Collectly, a Russian start-up that facilitates for...