Latest News

5 Feb '09

Volzhskaya TGC to invest $15m in Ulyanovsk in 2009-2015

Volzhskaya TGC has announced plans to invest $15m in...
4 Feb '09

Volgatelecom gets $8m from Svyaz-Bank

Volgatelecom is to open an $8m renewable line of...
4 Feb '09

Amcodor builds an exhibition center in NN

Belorussia’s Amcodor is to invest $1.5m building a...
4 Feb '09

North-West Timber defaults on $270m, offers paper instead

North-West Timber burdened with $270m in outstanding...
4 Feb '09

Koryaksky’s $16.5m in debt impairs Kamchatka integration

Koryaksky Autonomous District’s $16.5m in outstanding...
4 Feb '09

Vologda endorses $8m for SMEs in 2009-2012

An $8m small and medium-sized business development...
4 Feb '09

RF and Magadan pool efforts in $3m housing relocation plan

The RF Government and Magadan Region are joining...
4 Feb '09

Magadan loans precious metal firms $3.4m, more to come

Magadan Region has already loaned 23 precious metal...
4 Feb '09

$5.5m to ward off unemployment in Tomsk region

A total of $5.5m is to be spent to address rising...
4 Feb '09

Optifood invests $85m in Rostov region

Moscow agricultural company Optifood has announced...

Feature stories

6 Mar '17

Russian scientists blaze their own trail to light-based computing

Developing a photonic computer, a technology that...
25 Jan '17

Volga developer enables people to take good care of their heart

ScreenCardio-NN, an innovative company based in...
7 Dec '16

Research on Russian VC market: not quite bubbly, but far from moribund

In spite of all current problems and adverse external...
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Nano & Giga Symposium

Latest News

31 Mar '17

Russian fintech start-up gets Y Combinator backing

Collectly, a Russian start-up that facilitates for...
30 Mar '17

New diamond search and identification technique under way in Siberia

Researchers at the Irkutsk Technical University in...
29 Mar '17

New sensor and IC building technique developed in Russia

A Russian research team has come up with a new method...

Most read stories from last week

30 Mar '17

New diamond search and identification technique under way in Siberia

Researchers at the Irkutsk Technical University in...
31 Mar '17

Russian fintech start-up gets Y Combinator backing

Collectly, a Russian start-up that facilitates for...